“I Need A Vacation” Self-Care - Custom Collagen


“I Need A Vacation” Self-Care


Hey all! Co-Founder Karissa here with some self-care tips for those days where you just need break. Sure, there are some fairly universal treats, but for this exercise I want you to take a minute to reflect on the things that help you relax, have a centering effect, and leave you feeling uplifted and energized.


To help get those creative juices flowing, I’ll list some widely used relaxation practices:

- Meditation / devotional practice

- Take a nap

- Get a mani/pedi (or do it yourself at home!)

- Enjoy a tea / coffee

- Take a bubble bath

- Watch your favorite show / movie

- Get a massage

- Do some yoga

- Wear your favorite “cozies” (mine is a massively oversized fuzzy leopard print robe!)

- Go for a walk

- Do a face mask (plenty of DIY recipes on our blog if you don’t have one handy!)

- Spend time outdoors, even if only sunbathing


To really get the most out of your time, I recommend going for a more thought out and personalized approach. A few things that work for me are as follows:

- Enjoy coffee out with a good read for company

- Walk my dog

- Play a favorite sport (volleyball for me!)

- Try a new restaurant

- Spend time with a best friend / loved one

- Cuddle with my dog and/or husband

- Plan a trip (or at least research one!)

- Deep clean a room in my home

- Sweat it out at the gym (personal favs = a spin class, yoga, or a strength circuit)

- Wander through TJ Maxx & (let’s be honest here) buy a few things I definitely don’t need

- Take time to journal

- Organize pretty much anything


So, what will it be for you? A bubble bath, walk outside, veggin’ under the covers, or something else entirely? The burn out is real, so when you find yourself in a funk, be mindful and take notice. If you don’t have the time or resources for a full day of self-care, set aside just 30 minutes to slow down, take a breather, and do something rewarding for yourself!