What Is Collagen and Why Do I Need It? - Custom Collagen


What Is Collagen and Why Do I Need It?

Beauty Tonic

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the largest protein in the body and is found in muscles, tendons, bones, skin, and even the digestive system. Collagen is in the connective tissues of your body, and gives your skin the support it needs to make us strong and healthy. Firmness and elasticity are big factors in the aging process, and collagen keeps your skin supple while also benefitting your hair and nails. There are many different types of collagen, and as you age your body will start to become stiff rather than plump and smooth like the skin of a child.

Why do I need Collagen?

Healthy joints, skin, hair, and nails all rely on a steady supply of collagen. In your mid-twenties, your collagen supply starts to diminish due to hormone and estrogen levels. Once your collagen supply starts to naturally diminish (noticeably by your 30’s) you might see the following: · Sagging · Wrinkles · Lines · Changes to Skin Tone/Color · Less Skin Elasticity It is never too early or too late to take collagen. Many women start taking it after they notice fine lines on their body, but will notice different results once they start taking collagen regularly. Women in their early twenties to late twenties should start taking collagen early and will be able to keep their skin healthy and support elasticity through the aging process. Research has shown that collagen also helps prevent cellulite and stretch marks. Collagen promotes thicker skin, and as a result the prevalence of cellulite marks are diminished. Ever have nails that peel? That could be from a lack of collagen too. Nails that are thin and peel are often not getting enough collagen. Even if you are young are not quite at your mid-twenties some people don’t get enough to support their natural nail beds. All our collagen products have the purest ingredients, are environmentally conscious, and responsibly sourced. Start helping your body today!