Fruity Black Tea Collagen Smoothie - Custom Collagen


Fruity Black Tea Collagen Smoothie


Black Tea is perfect for morning smoothies because it has less caffeine than a cup of coffee but just enough to perk you up and get you focused without a crash later on. It also has a really wonderful light, sweet flavor! To that base, we add lots of fruit: blueberries for antioxidants, banana for potassium, and pineapple for a major Vitamin C boost (seriously, pineapple is a wonder-fruit when it comes to getting your immune-boosting Vitamin C). This smoothie also includes a bit of lemon juice for hydration, weight management, and skin quality. Then we top it off with flax or chia seeds for healthy fats and fiber!


Cap all of these amazing benefits off with your daily dose of Traditional Tonic Nourishing Collagen, a collagen supplement that can help a healthier digestive system, boost brain function, and even keep our immune system functioning strongly. Traditional Tonic contains protein and 18 amino acids that will help you to feel energized, healthy, and ready to take on your day. This powerhouse of a smoothie tastes great, takes 5 minutes to prepare (brew the tea the night before and cool it in the fridge to cut back on morning prep time), and will make you feel amazing all day long.




1 cup black tea, brewed and cooled

1 cup frozen blueberries

½ banana

1 cup frozen pineapple

Juice of ½ lemon

1 scoop Traditional Tonic Nourishing Collagen

1 Tbsp flax or chia seeds


  1. Brew and cool black tea
  2. Add all ingredients to a blender and then pulse until it reaches your desired consistency
  3. Add more liquid depending on your thickness preference